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Tax Investigation

During the lifetime of an individual taxpayer, partnership or other business, it is quite likely that there will be some form of inquiry made by either the Inland Revenue or Customs and Excise into taxation affairs.  Inquiries or investigations of this type are very often selected on a random basis.

We have many years of experience in handling such matters with these Government departments.

Any investigation can be an extremely stressful time for a client but we will completely remove the strain of such an inquiry from you by handling your investigation in a very hands-on way.

Because we have assisted many clients in tax investigations previously, and achieved very satisfactory outcomes, we are confident that we will be able to assist you similarly.

Therefore, if you have any issues of this nature that are concerning you, please make contact with us urgently so that we can take control of the situation on your behalf.

Fees for Investigation Services are always agreed in advance.